Автор Тема: PhantomX AX-18F Hexapod KIT  (Прочетена 13456 пъти)


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PhantomX AX-18F Hexapod KIT
« -: Февруари 25, 2011, 07:19:33 pm »

ATTENTION: Demand has been high for these kits so production runs have been going fast. We recommend getting your order in queue to reserve your kit. We appreciate everyone's patience as we ramp up production!

This is one Awesomefast robot! Seriously. We actually had to invent the word Awesomefast specifically to describe this robot. Interbotix Labs is proud to introduce the PhantomX line of Hexapod robot kits! These kits combine some of the most advanced robotic technologies on the market to bring unparallel performance amd quality into your hands. These hexapod kits are the collaborative effort from some of the top talent in the robotics community: Next-Gen AX series Dynamixel robot servos, the infamous ArbotiX Robocontroller, and a fantastic open-source software system make this an extremely durable and versatile robot that will grow with you as you learn more and more about robotics.


    Product Features:
    Ultra Fast Dynamixel AX-18F Series Robot Servos
    3 Degree-Of-Freedom Legs
    Arduino-Compatible ArbotiX Robocontroller
    Open Source Software
    Advanced Inverse Kinematics Driven Gait Engine
    6 Different Walking Gaits Available
    High Quality LiPo Battery
    Rugged ABS Construction
    Totally Hackable!
    Add Arms, Grippers, Cameras, Pan/Tilts, even Computers!
    Wireless Xbee Control via PC or Handheld
    Tons of I/O available and fully programmable for autonomy
    Great platform for hobby, education, research, and Mech Warfare!

This Comprehensive Hexapod Kit comes with everything you need for a fully-featured robotic platform. All 18 Dynamixels (preset with IDs), frame components, anodized black socket-head hardware, a pre-programmed ArbotiX Robocontroller, FTDI interface for programming, the handheld ArbotiX Commander, a set of paired Xbees, a PC-side Xbee USB interface, 3S 2100mAh Thunder Power LiPo Battery, Multi-Function LiPo Balance Charger, and even a bottle of Threadlocker! We also have highly detailed step-by-step assembly manuals to ensure your kit goes together smoothly.

Kit Includes:
18x AX-18F  Dynamixel Actuators
PhantomX Hexapod Hardware & Body Kit
ArbotiX Robocontroller
ArbotiX Commander
2x Xbee 1mw Modules
12x F2 Bioloid Frames (Your choice of Color)
12x F3 Bioloid Frames (Your choice of Color)
11.1v 3S 2100mAh Thunder Power LiPo Battery
LiPo Balance Charger Starter Kit
FTDI Adapter
USB Xbee Interface
USB A to Mini-B Cable
10ml Bottle of Turbo-Lock

Цена на КИТ-а  2 250$

Documentation and Downloads

    PhantomX Hexapod Manual
    PhantomX Hexapod Assembly Guide
    PhantomX AX-18F Hexapod Arduino NUKE Sketch
    .NET PC Control Demo App (Coming Soon)
    ArbotiX Documentation
    ArbotiX Robocontroller Manual
    ArbotiX Commander Manual
    AX-12+ Manual
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    PhantomX AX-18F Hexapod KIT
    « Отговор #1 -: Февруари 26, 2011, 06:41:39 pm »
    На тази тема,нито мястото и е тук,нито начина на представяне на продукта е този!
    Можеш да дадеш линк и кратко описание на това ,което те е впечатлило.
    Всеки,който желае ще го разгледа.
    Ако всеки започне да прави подобни теми няма да има край.И без това форума се е превърнал в говорилня.Нека да не се убива тотално!!
    Заключвам я и се надявам да си ме разбрал и да не се сърдиш.
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